Link for an autoplaylist is at the bottom. Also I wrote another vague story using the title tracks to fulfill the words. Hope it works for you. These playlist have been mostly compiled of songs that hit me right. Think next I'm going to do a themed one of either EDM song or Epic tracks. What are your suggestions.
Story Time
There comes a time when she has to declare 'enough is enough.' For the longest time the heroine has been A Little Bit Off. 'Why?' She ponders. She walks in her home, the only place she has of solitude in the world, where it's her obligation to constantly be involved. No space for personal reflection. Here it is though until she Blind By The Lights as she approaches the kitchen. There is a feminine figure sitting at her island. When the heroine's eye adjust to the Blinding Lights, she realizes who is waiting. The heroine, now regulated displays, a scolding demeanor that cast No Love to the gal, who has broken in the heroine's home.
Mystery Gal, 'You need to Fly Again, immediately'
Heroine, 'I'm not going to save you'
Mystery Gal, 'I don't want you to Rescue Me' as she slams her fist against the marble counter. Heroine almost fearing it would crack. Heroine turns around and grabs a dark exquisite looking glass from her highest cabinet. She pours what is more apparent as liquor in two glasses. Picks one up and offers it to her invader.
Mystery Gal 'Save That Shit! You need to quit this pity game and listen to me. Without Me you wouldn't be the one everyone admire and love. I come here with a personal request and you can't give the time nor the mind to listen'
Heroine, 'So what? I'm Forever Yours? You have a History of Violence and your missions have nothing to do with aiding the greater mankind.'
Mystery Gal 'You keep Rocking the Boat and I ensure you are put in A Place, Where You Belong'
Heroine 'Not if I do it first' The Heroine tosses her beverage in the Gal's face. Heroine jumps across the counter knocking the gal to the floor. The Gal screams from the substance burning her eyeballs. Heroine notices a purse below the stool the Mystery Gal was sitting on. The contents within the purse were glowing.
Mystery Gal 'This isn't the time. You need to go! It's your family.' Heroine stands up offering her hand to the Mystery Gal. Heroine shows no scars beside her long dirty blonde hair being misplaced in every direction.
Heroine 'I may have overreacted. Last time I help, it did not end well. I only created more secrets to protect you. That's not my goal presently. I didn't want to be trapped being a mercenary part time...Let Me Be Your Superhero instead!
Gal looks up to Heroine with a expression filled with relief. As she begins motioning her body in a way to move closer to take Heroine's hand, Gal exclaimed, 'I'm glad you can see the Light. It's your sister, she fou...'
Mystery Gal abruptly stop as she leaped on her ground to open it. Heroine knew she was reaching for the glowing substance within her purse. Heroine didn't even think this time unlike past encounters. She swiftly moved her boot to stomp the Mystery Gal into her tile floor smashing it. Heroine did not know what she did and what the repercussions could be. Did she just condemn her sister or save humanity..