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Movie Tuesday: My top 13 movies of 2016
So this is my top 13 movies. It’s the best out of the 60 movies I’ve watched this year. Now, this top 13 isn’t just a straight up list of the top 13 movie. 12 of the 13 movies are the best releases from each month and #13 is a wildcard. This may not be 100% to what is the best movies of 2016 but this is still a pretty damn good list that will hopefully give folks something highly to look back on from 2016.
Biggest reason I do the special listing is cause I’m sick of seeing list where 80% of the movies on the list came out in the last two months of the year. I get that’s the time of the year where studios do an Oscar dump but I feel part of it also short term memory. Although it’s a bit messy cause some release dates could be argumentative, I feel it gives more movies a chance that are forgotten due to their early releases.

13. Wazir (January) [Indian|PG-13]
This movie had some dark elements but really is a light hearted flick about a game of chess that is played both literally and metaphorically. The characters are super likeable. What makes this standout through out the year is just how fun it was to see where the pieces were played. It may be the first time an Indian movie has made the list I don’t mind it being this one for all the interesting elements the movie did hold between the charismatic cinematography, devoted characters and mesmerizing music. Reason it is on the bottom though is cause this flick isn’t as smart as it thinks it was. Not the worst thing to have but despite enjoying the ride I was a step ahead of the movie most of the way.

12. Witch (February) [American|R]
Atmosphere is exactly what this movie champions. It’s a depressing downward spiral that brings us into a world that all too surreal.. The great thing I find about this movie is it approaches the scenarios oddly enough that witches could very well be real or fitting if they weren’t too close to home as to what happened during the Salem witch trials. Every member is coming from a different angle in trying to find hope, safety or survival. A fantastic psychological thriller that’s aim to keep authentic doesn’t give one an opportunity to roll their eyes. Happy to put it on the list. Only reason it’s lower is due to the story being pretty non eventful.but is still one of the most unique films of 2016.

11. Sing Street (April) [Irish|PG-13]
Quite the inspirational movie. Uplifting to say the least and should get one to at least thinking about going back to that project they’ve been holding off. Somewhat of a come along story that I only wish had a better title(almost just skipped the film because of it.) Classic story of the kid trying to get the girl but what makes it refreshing how real the story can get between the rough school environment, the wisdom spouting do-nothing brother, the struggling yet conceited parents and the struggle of art. Really enjoy the journey and camaraderie of this band coming together. The music is great too if you’re into classic rock. This is a completely joyful story but there’s really nothing at risk so it’s well done fun movie keeping it at the end of the list despite how well crafted this kid’s tale is.

10. Rogue One (December) [American|PG-13]
STAR WARS!!! Okay, I’ll cool down. Just exaggerating a bit. I’m definitely a Star Wars fan but that didn’t make Rogue One an automatic for the list. Last year I knew for sure I wasn’t going to allow Force Awakens on my list due the laziness of the story(I enjoyed the film enough just was sure there was something better.
Rogue One on the other hand was a pure blast all the way through. There were a few problems (shallow characters/forced cameos) throughout the flick but I was enjoying the ride so much didn’t care for the most part while watching. The story was simple but adventurous , the action was downright radical and boy was that robot sassy, It was something fresh I wanted from this new kickstart of the Star Wars Universe and I’ll keep coming back for more. Due to the mundane issues though the sci fi flick stays towards the bottom of my list.

9. 31 (September) [American-R]
This might be a bold statement but besides Nicholas Reft(Neon Demon), Zombie is one of the top in the business when it comes to visuals. Now 31 didn’t do a better job at visuals than Lords of Salem, if fact some of his cliches seep through. Problem is I love his cliches, which is why I keep coming back to Zombie’s films. The presentation is what hooked me. It’s a fitting combo of Running Man & Purge.
Rob puts his won into this film. As the Purge movies are made a nickels to dollarsa(not the worst thing cause I do like 1 & 3) for profit, Rob is worried about the art, the fantasy and what makes stories like these so surreal. Looking through quick blurbs from reviews I was expecting something way more bloody and shallow. For, Meg Ryan’s story arc and performance is what really set this apart. His characters really click for me too, where I’m thinking about their motivations even when it comes to the ‘psychos’, who usually only motivation is that’ they’re crazy. Just found something intense in this movie I didn’t want to let go. Also, I’m a sucker for the camaraderie between the band, the killers or even the aristocrats.
This movie edges into the single digits due to fact I was thinking over some of the elements even after the movie was finished but still is on the lower end due to the plot not being so original despite Rob’s unique presentation of it all.

8. Les Cowboys (June) [French-R]
This straightforward movie took me by surprise. The search and rescue tale of a father(and son) searching for daughter who ran away comes off like a simple plot but the twist was the daughter ran away with her boyfriend to Islamic Isolation. The basic tale of a family falling apart in attempt to bring itself back together is an infuriating thing to watch at first. We don’t know who this girl is and why should we care. She’s 16 so being that old why should she be responsible for ruining this family? As the film went on I began caring more about the father and son than the initial plot and how strong their determination is.
In the end it’s the pair who truly need to be saved and that’s where the hook is. They enter into an environment which is still very alien the western civilization and not only is the environment dangerous but also that intriguing assertion they both hold too. Consequence come a plenty. It isn’t quite a rollercoaster but a venture in a different world I did not expect with such a title. John C Reilly makes an appearance which baffled me just cause I didn’t except to see anyone I recognized.
The peculiar take on a simple search and rescue with hard to forget dedicated characters locks this at the lower portion of the single digit. The unique take sets it apart but lack of gravitas keeps further from the top 5 threshold.

7. Batman vs Superman (Wildcard) [American-PG-13]
Possibly the most controversial movie to be on a top 2016 films list. Folks, who don’t like Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel went into this movie very skeptical. I loved Man of Steel. It even made #3 on my 2013 list. Even with that I was skeptical going into Batman vs Superman with the trailers completely spoiling key plot points and Wonder Woman’s skinny physique wasn’t impressing me either.
Watching this in theaters I got carried away with the clash of philosophical and psychological clash of our heroes(and villains). This more than Man of Steel gave me a grander appreciation of the kind hero Superman is and can mean. A lot of folks did have problems with Superman not having as many quips and was too silent(I saw it as ominous). Superman didn’t see himself as a God but in the same time doesn’t see the need to get involved in political squabbles to justify himself saving lives. It’s why the committee scene is such a bit deal(a bigger deal in the director’s cut). Think this character telling didn’t click as well with audience cause Snyder does his storytelling through visual instead of blatantly have Superman exclaim how he feels about his place in the world. It’s a visual media so I always appreciate Snyder operating like this.
Point being similar to 31 & Les Cowboys, this film didn’t leave my mind after my initial viewing. It gets higher on the list though cause it did a better job than them in that particular category and also that production value Snyder puts in his visuals is something that we’re not seeing in any other Superhero film. Saying that the story could’ve been and the emotions weren’t quite as strong as others on the list keeping it from breaking the top 5.

6. Hacksaw Ridge (November) [American|R]
So happy Mel Gibson is back filmmaking. Despite it being a war flick, the plot came off as a bit of a surprise with the core of the movie based on a medic rather than some warrior like William Wallace of Braveheart. Theme turned out to be a very princple joyful yet savage(as WW2 should be presented) film. The way Mel combines these tones is seemless. It reminded me of Fullmetal Jacket, which I can appreciate but came off as several films in one, but Mel found a way to make the different event hold strong bearings on on another.
One element that had me worried was Andrew Garfield being the star in Mel’s WW2 movie. I get the film wasn’t about a healer instead of a warrior but Garfield these days is coming off more like a goofball than a trained professional due to the atrocious Amazing Spiderman films. Had nothing to worry about as it wasn’t an issue. In fact Garfield does come off as a goofball but comes off with a Tom Hanks like charm. This was a character tale and Garfield with Mel’s direction and atmosphere composing plays off amazingly. Tension is given adequately per each environment never giving the audience that great of contrast in how the scenes are playing. Emotionally was hooked in this great tale of wanting to see our hero succeed even at time when the audience may outright disagree with their choices.
This movie was locked and loaded all the way going over the rest of the film which may have at least one element needed mission. Hacksaw Ridge is just outside top 5 due to as far as, where it was going being predictable. It isn’t the films fault but all the same is the reason it where it’s at.

5. Zootopia (March) [American|PG]
Well, Disney does it again(yeah I know it’s too late to say that with Rogue One but whatevs) Last Year Inside Out made #11. and was on the lower end to lack of suspense. It may be odd to ask for that component in a kid’s film but that’s needed for it to cross that emotional threshold to stand for the year as one of the best. By suspense I don’t just mean the adventure Nick Wild and Judy are tied to but the levity of the theme of prejudice and the history the characters have with said theme. Several time during my viewing, I must confess, that I was choked up with what these characters had to deal with.
These days everyone is trying to address prejudice from many different angles. Usually it comes off as heavy handed especially when needed to be simplified for a kid’s movie but Zootopia doesn’t take the easy way out as they make sure to show both sides of the spectrum, that everyone has their own problem. It doesn’t even use it as an excuse for rules broken now as there are consequences. Now of course this isn’t the be and all when it comes to such them but the way it handled. This movie was just a blast. The story had a great adventure and mystery setup for our odd couple characters trying to be as creative as possible about each aspect although not all. It really couldn’t be helped that I would get choked up. Being that this movie went all out it couldn’t help but breach the top 5.

4. Your Name (August) [Japanese|PG-13]
Just a wonderful story of two adolescents coming together by some means. Can’t even be sure if I can call it a romance or not. Similar to Zootopia, what Your Name explores is different points of views one would not normally think about. The characters are thrown into opposite genders, class and just plain lifestyles. It was intriguing yet fun to see how these kids playoff these new skins. The movie did more than grab my emotions but started plotting little motivations of seeing something new rather it be forestry, farm life or an even bigger city than the one I currently am ploted in.
This wasn’t just a well done Freaky Friday that places the film so high for 2016 but a bombshell of a twist that would even blow M Night’s socks off. Other then a couple awkward um…gender appreciation moments, this journey can be witnessed by most. The story, character and just scale of where a relationship of this super odd couple can go breaks this new anime classic past #5.

3. Handmaiden (October) [South Korean|R]
This is by far the biggest rollercoaster one is going to get out of a plot as far as 2016 goes. So much to expect with this film…love, betrayal, comeuppance and the scary part is that it was all mesmerizing. Some scenes I could not look away because the visuals were too enticing or tension was extremely high. It comes off as a romance but never in the way one would imagine…necessarily. At least one that can never be claimed easy to put their finger on.
The way the scenes are put together masterfully even to the point where even a scene of a book reading with content, I myself don’t particularly care for, but with just the way she reads it, it’s so hard to look away. This novel plays out in 3 acts, that instead of going in appropriate order of a set timeline, it more turning the book upside down and rotating three times before continuing on. Jumped out of my seat each act.
Making the top 3 this brings something new to the table I can’t say I’ve seen in years especially how the story was told; just had me engaged all the way through. If mature enough to handle certain sexual content this becomes a must see of 2016.

2. Green Room (May) [American|R]
Wow, what a nightmare of a film and I mean that in the best way possible. The movies that I become attached to either have me so engaged I’m piecing the puzzle together even after the viewing it or it’s dialed my emotions all the way to 11 and has me at a lost for word….Green Room pulled off the later in a grand fashion. No movie of 2016 compares in placing its audience in such a nightmare except for maybe 31 but Green Room is easily a lot more raw. To the extent where one could see themselves trapped in that very Green Room getting more claustrophobic, paranoid and scared as the seconds tick away. It’s scary how easy this movie makes those circumstances seem real. That’s where I was hook lined and sinkered. The best horror movies are ones that I can put myself in the place of the victim. Like the films behind it on the list, the story doesn’t come with its twist but that’s not what makes this movie stand out. The atmosphere is absolutely the reason it take the cake. Here is an experience not a viewing.
Anton Yelchin performs very well playing the individual who is over their head with Patrick Stewart, who is also great but not used to his full potential. The balance performance help with the realism actually. Can’t say there’s any sympathy with the skinheads but there is empathy that Jeremy Saulnier finds a way to plant. He did the same with Blue Ruins making the rednecks not straight up a holes. Though the probability is low there shown a chance, where the whole thing could be avoided.
This isn’t for the faint of heart but that why it’ll stick to you. I find Blue Ruin had a better story which may be why it didn’t break #1 but there’s not shame in where it ended up and I certainly am going to want to get the Saulnier collection soon.

1. Captain Fantastic (July) [American|R]
Felt like this came off more of an epiphany than a story. Is that a little too strong? Usually I roll my eyes at such hippy lifestyles about being one with nature but this doubt never hit me. The way this was presented made me envy what Viggo Mortenson was doing for his family, even though it could be arguably wrong. The family wasn’t full Amish but they were still out of touch with the modern world where a lot of the kid’s interaction was not only funny but interesting. None of the family odd nature was forced. As a viewer I was excited when they made someone feel awkward and got away with it.
The presentation made me want this family to be right while everyone else was wrong. Similar to Your Name the films comes off as inspirational but to a lot stronger extent. That’s why I was so captivated by this tale of this isolated family. Emotionally it put me in higher spirits than any film in 2016 and that’s all I need for it to be the best in my book.
Thanks for reading. Would love to see your list and what you think I am missing or what you feel I may have overrated. These list are a blast to make and hopefully they portray the best of 2016 despite my odd format.
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